BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:TheBMWClubCalendar\download_event_ics\0.2 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:TheBMWClubEvent2210 DTSTAMP:20240614T000000 ORGANIZER;CN=Billy DTSTART:20240614T000000 DTEND:20240616T000000 LOCATION:Dornoch Caravan & Camp Park, The Links, IV25 3LX SUMMARY:BMW Club: Longest Day Weekend in Dornoch (Scottish section) DESCRIPTION:You need to book direct for this:\n0 1862 810423, using the promo code BMW2024.\nSite costs are as follows :.\ nNormal price for the weekend is £38 for a single person without electri city but the club is getting a discount of £13.00 per pitch for the week end..\nThis discount reduces it to £25.\nIf you want to join other membe rs for the evening meal at the Coach House please email Billy so that he can book numbers: .\n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR