BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:TheBMWClubCalendar\download_event_ics\0.2 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:TheBMWClubEvent2441 DTSTAMP:20240421T110000 ORGANIZER;CN=Erica DTSTART:20240421T110000 DTEND:19700101T235959 LOCATION:Beechcroft Farm Shop & Tea Barn, Beechcroft, Sarum Road, Wincheste r, SO22 5QS SUMMARY:BMW Club: Soup Run (Southern section) DESCRIPTION:Our annual visit to Helen and James's farm in Arundel, with sou p and cakes on arrival. James has put together the route, but Mike & Lesl ey will be leading the ride, with Chris & Alison as tailenders. Please m eet at Beechcroft Farm Shop & Tea Barn, Beechcroft. Sarum Road, Wincheste r, SO22 5QS, departing at 11:00. The tea rooms are open from 10:00. This will be a 1.5-2 hour ride on various types of roads (probably lots of cou ntry lanes!). arriving at the farm around 1pm. Please see the GPX file at tached. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR