BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:TheBMWClubCalendar\download_event_ics\0.2 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:TheBMWClubEvent2601 DTSTAMP:20250110T000000 ORGANIZER;CN=Billy DTSTART:20250110T000000 DTEND:20250112T000000 LOCATION:Sail Loft Bunkhouse & Portsoy Caravan Park, Links Road, Portsoy, A B45 2RQ SUMMARY:BMW Club: Billy & Mandy @ Portsoy (Scottish section) DESCRIPTION:We have booked the sail loft in Portsoy for a new year get toge ther. .\nCome and join the group for new year get together at the sail lo ft in Portsoy..\nEnjoy the log fire, a few drams and the banter. .\nWe ha ve secured the same price as this year's event at £24 pppn .\nPlease boo k your stay directly with the Sail Loft on +44 1261 842695..\nOutside cat ering has been organised for evening meals, 2 or 3 courses at £18 and £ 25 PP respectively..\nMeals will have to be pre booked so send me an emai l for menu options at\n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR