BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:TheBMWClubCalendar\download_event_ics\0.2 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:TheBMWClubEvent2602 DTSTAMP:20250105T140000 ORGANIZER;CN=Erica DTSTART:20250105T140000 DTEND:19700101T235959 LOCATION:Rake Village Hall, Brewells Lane, Rake, GU33 7JA SUMMARY:BMW Club: Winter Talk and Bring & Buy (Southern section) DESCRIPTION:Biketrac will be discussing security for your bike, both at hom e and while you are out and about. The aim is to ensure you have all the information to make the right choice for you and your individual circumst ances. They will be answering your questions on trackers and hard securit y, and giving you some helpful tips and tricks. Please come armed with yo ur questions! END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR