BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:TheBMWClubCalendar\download_event_ics\0.2 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:TheBMWClubEvent2603 DTSTAMP:20250119T120000 ORGANIZER;CN=Dean DTSTART:20250119T120000 DTEND:19700101T235959 LOCATION:The Black Horse, The Village, West Tytherley, SP5 1NP SUMMARY:BMW Club: Skittles (Southern section) DESCRIPTION:The cost will be £15 per person to include a basket meal. Plea se let Dean Carpenter know if you are attending and give your menu choice s:.\n.\nSausage & Chips.\nChicken Goujons & Chips.\nMozzarella Sticks, Ca uliflower Bites & Breaded Mushrooms.\nBaked Potato with a choice of toppi ngs (cheese, coleslaw or tuna mayonnaise)..\n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR